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1791 Joint committee advocates opening of water communication; Rensselaerwyck to Lake Champlain.
1792 Chapter 40 – Northern Inland Lock Navigation Co. incorporated to open navigation, Hudson river to Lake Champlain.

Chapter 8 (2nd session) – Locks to be at least 70 x 10 ft.; navigation companies to lease surplus waters.

Surveys made by Northern Co., Hudson river to Lake Champlain.

1793 Chapter 49 – Right of way limited to 20 ft. each side of canal. Work on canal begun at Stillwater.
1795 Chapter 38 – State Treasurer instructed to subscribe for 200 shares of Northern Co.’s stock at £20 per share.
1796 Report of companies to Legislature.
1812 Commissioners propose a canal from Hudson river to Lake Champlain.
1816 Chapter 237 – Commissioners appointed to present estimate.
1817 Chapter 262 – Construction authorized; contiguous lands to be taxed; canal fund, commissioners of canal fund formed and canal commissioners continued.

March 19, – Commissioners present estimate, $871,000, for canal 30 by 20 by 3 ft., and locks 75 by 10 ft.

Dimensions changed to those of Erie canal.

Construction of canal commenced.

1818 Twelve miles completed.
1819 Chapter 105 – Canal to be opened, Fort Edward to navigable waters of Hudson.

Canal opened from Fort Edward to Lake Champlain.

1820 Canal (river navigation) opened from Fort Edward to Fort Miller; 17 miles of excavation completed, Saratoga falls south.

Dam built at Fort Miller falls.

Contracts let for dam and feeder above Fort Edward.

1821 Chapter 78 – State to finish lock and dam at Troy.

Chapter 36 – Commissioners to borrow not over $1,000,000 in 1821 and $1,000,000 in 1822.

Dam at Saratoga falls and Fish creek aqueduct completed.

Canal complete to one mile south of Stillwater.

November 12, – Feeder dam at Baker’s Falls badly damaged before completion.

Survey for Glens Falls feeder made and approved.

1822 Chapter 263 – Glens falls feeder to be made navigable.

Chapter 274 – Speed on canal limited to four miles an hour.

Navigation open from Lake Champlain to Waterford.

Cohoes dam completed.

Fort Edward dam repaired; 900 ft. of water in one continuous sheet.

1823 Chapter 96 – $1,300,000 appropriated for canal fund.

Canal completed; navigation opened September 10.

Glens Falls feeder opened to Sandy Hill.

Troy dam and lock completed.

Tolls on rafts double that on boats.

Only ten boats on the canal in 1821 and in 1823 there were one hundred boats.

1824 Chapter 255 – $1,000,000 appropriated for canal fund.

Hydrostatic lock built on Junction canal.

Dam at Waterford completed; cost $25,750.

April 10, – Commissioners to improve canal Fort Miller to Fort Edward.

1825 Chapter 277 – Independent canal to be built from Fort Edward to Saratoga falls dam.

Chapter 292 – $270,965.78 appropriated for canal fund.

1826 Chapter 249 – Champlain feeder to be made navigable, and locks built thereon.
1827 Chapter 9 (R. S.) – Maps to be made of all existing canals.

Canal from Fort Edward to Fort Miller completed; 10 miles 44 chains; 4 locks, lockage 36.5 ft.

Demolition Fort Miller dam commenced.

Commissioners to repair Fort Miller dam.

1828 Chapter 294 – $18,000 appropriated for completion of feeder.

Chapter 315 – Junction Canal Co. incorporated to build canal from junction of Champlain and Erie canals to Hudson river.

Glens Falls feeder completed.

1829 Guard-lock at Fort Edward dam completed.

Three locks at Fort Ann rebuilt.

1832 Guard-lock at Saratoga falls rebuilt of stone.

Guard-lock on north side of Mohawk rebuilt.

1833 Dam built across Mohawk below Cohoes falls.

Chapter 148 – Junction Canal Co.’s time extended for two years.

May floods seriously injure that part of canal which occupies the channel of Wood creek.

1834 Saratoga discharge-lock rebuilt of masonry on the old foundation.

Hutchinson’s report for improving feeder.

Hutchinson’s "Blue line" maps completed.

1835 Guard-lock, Glens Falls feeder, rebuilt of stone.

Troy dam injured by floating ice in the spring thoroughly repaired and 3,000 cu. yds. slate rock put on the dam.

Wooden waste-weir at Stillwater replaced by one of stone, 68 ft. long, 2 wing walls, 426 perches of masonry.

1836 Chapter 453 – Glens Falls feeder to be enlarged and equipped with stone locks.

Waste-weirs Nos. 6 and 10 rebuilt of stone masonry.

Fort Edward lock rebuilt of cut stone laid in hydraulic cement.

Reconstruction Glens Falls feeder, locks put under contract.

Waste-weirs at Dunham’s Basin rebuilt of stone.

1837 Feeder widened at Glens Falls.

220 ft. of Troy dam carried away.

2,100 cu. yds. added to the wall intended to secure the canal at Whitehall.

New lock of hammer-dressed stone opposite dam across Wood creek completed.

Three new locks being built on Glens Falls feeder completed.

1838 Aqueduct at Fort Edward creek replaced by a stone culvert.

Nine remaining locks on Glens Falls feeder rebuilt of stone brought from Kingsbury quarries.

1839 Feeder enlargement completed; 12 locks rebuilt of stone.

Towing-path wall at Whitehall completed, 840 ft., 12 to 18 ft. high, hammer-dressed stone laid in cement.

Commissioners to inspect Junction canal with a view of its purchase by the State.

Bassett’s lock rebuilt.

1840 Chapter 280 – Commissioners authorized to purchase Junction canal for not over $10,000.

"Flynn" and "Moses Kill" locks and aqueducts across Fish creek and Moses kill completed.

Five miles stone slope wall completed.

1841 Chapter 111 – $75,000 to be used for improving Glens Falls feeder.

July 31, – Work under chapter 111 all placed under contract.

1842 Improvement to Glens Falls feeder completed.

Lock at Fort Miller and one at Waterford completed.

1843 Saratoga towing-path bridge carried away.

Glens Falls feeder dam raised 18 inches.

Pier built in Wood creek, 216 ft. long.

Fort Edward feeder and dam abandoned; 100 ft. of dam removed.

1844 Schuylerville aqueduct enlarged; cost $3,500.

Saratoga dam raised, and planked, and a new apron constructed.

1845 New change bridge built at junction of Erie and Champlain.

Stone dam and lock built on Wood creek.

Four miles quarried stone slope wall constructed north and four miles field stone, south of Fort Edward.

1846 Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 6, – Canals never to be sold, leased or otherwise disposed of.

Guard-lock on feeder rebuilt.

New stone waste-weirs built at Flynn’s lock and at Cornell’s.

1847 Becker’s lock at Stillwater rebuilt.
1848 Waste-weir at Wilbur’s basin struck by lightning and carried away; afterward repaired.
1849 Chapter 393 – Bridge to be built at Whitehall.

New stone lock built above Waterford, cost $12,000.

Fort Miller side-cut closed.

1850 Chapter 263 – Fort Miller dam to be abandoned.

New lock built a few miles above Waterford.

Assembly committee reports on ship canal.

Whitehall locks reduced from 3 to 2, and contracts let for reconstruction.

December 3, – Canal board by resolution, abandon Fort Miller dam and side-cut.

1851 Fort Miller dam removed.

Waste-weir near Whitehall rebuilt.

1852 Lock No. 7, at Waterford, rebuilt.

November 27, – Breach 300 ft. long and 10 ft. below canal bottom caused by muskrats; navigation suspended 6 days.

Pier built on lower side of dam at head of Glens Falls feeder.

1853 Chapter 620 – $10,000 appropriated toward rebuilding Whitehall lock, size of Erie.
1854 Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 3, – Locks to be enlarged to size of Erie.

Chapter 330 – $25,000 appropriated for enlarging locks.

New aqueduct completed at Schuylerville.

1855 Contract let to rebuild locks at Saratoga dam and Whitehall.

Chapter 168 – $10,000 appropriated to improve Whitehall harbor.

New guard-lock built on summit level.

Contracts let to keep canal in repair for five years.

Moses kill aqueduct rebuilt, cost $18,935.92.

1856 Chapter 148 – $25,000 appropriated for enlarging locks.

Wooden lock on Glens Falls feeder rebuilt, $5,724.18.

New combined Waterford locks completed.

1857 Chapter 365 – $141,481.04 appropriated.

Commissioners recommend enlargement of canal to size of Erie.

One single and two combined locks at Fort Ann completed.

Single lock at Fort Miller completed.

Two of combined locks at Whitehall completed.

Saratoga dam rebuilt.

1858 Chapter 329 – $119,321.40 appropriated from Erie for locks.

Whitehall combined locks all enlarged.

July 12, – Breach near Coveville, {see errata.} cost $5,313.53.

1859 Chapter 149 – $60,115 appropriated for rebuilding locks and improving navigation on Champlain canal.

Chapter 368 – Bridge to be built over old feeder at Fort Edward.

Chapter 445 – Culvert to be built under canal at Stillwater.

Estimated cost for 5 ft. of water, $167,645.

Fort Miller bridge carried away.

Eleven of the 25 locks on Champlain canal enlarged to date.

1860 Chapter 213 – $170,000 appropriated for enlargement of canal, 5 ft. of water, 35 ft. bottom; locks to be rebuilt.
1861 Bassett’s lock rebuilt; banks raised and protected.
1862 Chapter 137 – $42,000 reappropriated for the improving canal and Glen Falls feeder; also rebuilding locks.

Estimates for gunboat locks, 25 ft. wide, admitting boats 150 ft. long, $815,000; enlarging prism and structures to correspond, $3,770,190.

Dam at Cohoes raised 18 inches.

Weigh-lock at Waterford completed; cost, with scales, $22,115.70.

Dam built at Parish lock, Wood creek.

South guard-lock at Cohoes completed.

May 29, – Break at Coveville, {see errata.} 900 ft. towing-path, 200 ft. embankment and 1,200 ft. canal bottom carried out; cause unknown.

1863 Parish lock (No. 17) completed.
1864 Chapter 186 – $295,000 additional appropriation for enlargement of canal and feeder to 5 ft. of water and 35 ft. bottom.

Fort Edward lock completed.

1865 March 16, 17, 18, – Freshet badly damages canal and structures, Mechanicville dam gives way and large section berme bank carried away.
1866 Chapter 33 – Survey for slack-water navigation, Troy to Fort Edward, with stone dams and locks, 225 x 25 ft., also for canal, 7 ft. deep, same sized locks, from Erie junction to Whitehall.

Chapter 156 – $247,500 for improvement of canal and Glens Falls feeder, pursuant to chapter 186-1864.

Chapter 304 – Reappropriation of the fund provided by chapter 186-1864.

Chapter 668 – Bridge to be built at Saratoga St., Schuylerville.

1867 Chapter 344 – Bridge to be built at Case St., Fort Edward.

Chapter 526 – Iron bridge to be built at Broad St., Waterford. (Completed same year.)

Chapter 579 – $29,300 appropriated for lock and sluices; $15,000 toward Fort Miller lock; $50,000 for rebuilding Cohoes dam of stone.

Plans and estimates under chapter 33-1866 submitted.

June, – Break near Fort Ann owing to high water in Wood creek, repaired in 3 days.

Improvements from Cohoes to Saratoga dam completed.

Moses kill lock completed.

1868 Chapter 116 – $22,000 appropriated for Fort Miller lock.

Chapter 346 – $6,931.31 reappropriated from chapter 304-1866.

Chapter 415 – Iron bridge to be built at Fort Miller.

Chapter 419 – Iron bridge to be built at Ferry St., Schuylerville. (Completed 1869.)

Chapter 438 – Bridge to be built at William St., Mechanicville.

Chapter 451 – Canal commissioners to lease surplus waters at Fort Edward lock.

Chapter 715 – $95,700 appropriated for canal and feeder and bridge at McIntyre St., Fort Edward; $10,000 for Becker’s lock.

Chapter 715 – Big bevel to be cut off Glens Falls feeder locks.

45 miles of canal improved to 35 ft. bottom, 5 ft. of water.

Seventeen locks enlarged to 110 x 18 feet.

September 13, – Unprecedented storm badly damages section No. 2; navigation suspended 3 weeks.

Fort Miller lock completed.

1869 Chapter 865 – Farm bridge, stone abutments, to be built at Waterford.

Chapter 877 – $25,000 for rebuilding Glens Falls feeder dam of stone; $17,000 for Hewitt’s lock; $10,000 for guard-lock on feeder and $27,000 for rebuilding Fort Miller dam of stone.

Chapter 877 – $80,000 for improvement Waterford to Fort Ann; $31,800 for raising Wood creek towing-path; $6,000 for wall at Fort Edward and $7,000 for improvements at Schuylerville.

New iron bridge at East St., Fort Edward, completed.

New aqueduct completed at Fort Edward in place of the culvert carried away during previous fall.

April, – Saratoga dam partly carried away during great freshet; successfully repaired during high water without interrupting navigation.

Becker’s lock rebuilt.

1870 Chapter 788 – Appropriates $425,000 for enlargement of canal, to secure a prism 58 and 44 by 7 feet.

Hewitt’s lock completed, 110 feet by 18 feet.

Guard-lock at head of Glens Falls feeder so far completed as to be used during next season.

Prism from Saratoga to Dunham’s Basin bottomed out to uniform bottom width 35 feet.

State Engineer estimates cost of proposed enlargement at $2,850,574.72.

1871 Chapter 778 – Troy dam to be rebuilt in 30 days.

Chapter 930 – Appropriation for building two enlarged locks, dredging and other improvements to canal.

January 15, – Work of rebuilding Glens Falls feeder dam begun by canal commissioners, contractor having surrendered his contract.

Canal deepened to 5 feet of water.

Guard-lock at head of Glens Falls feeder completed.

Flynn’s lock completed.

1872 Stone dam, Cohoes, completed, 1,616 feet between abutments, built of massive blocks laid in hydraulic cement; cost $220,529.88.

Enlargement proceedings under chapter 788-1870 begun.

Glens Falls feeder dam completed.

1873 Chapter 766 – Appropriates $23,000 for completing Schuylerville aqueduct.

Chapter 766 – Wooden lock at Glens Falls feeder to be rebuilt of stone.

Bad break near Waterford owing to faulty construction by contractors; cost of repairs, $33,000.

Enlargement proceedings stopped – no funds.

1874 Chapter 399 – Appropriates $500,000 for enlargement of canal, pursuant to chapter 788-1870, but requires revised surveys, etc.

Locks completed at Cohoes, Waterford and Wood creek.

New stone dam at Fort Miller bridge completed.

1875 Chapter 594 – Appropriation for completion of bridge over Fort Edward feeder; also wooden lock, Glens Falls feeder.

January, – Canal board increases the number of sections on canal from 2 to 3.

Resurvey and revised plans for enlargement completed, pursuant to chapter 398-1874; State Engineer’s estimate of the cost of enlargement $2,698,400.06

The old wooden Glens Falls feeder lock rebuilt of stone, pursuant to chapter 594-1875.

1876 Chapter 185 – Appropriates $300,368.82 unexpended balance of Chapter 399-1874, for enlarging canal, changing plan to 6 ft. depth, and curtailing work.

Chapter 383 – Appropriates $25,000 for reconstructing Glens Falls feeder.

Chapter 425 – Repeals chapter 383-1876.

State Engineer completes revised plans; estimates cost under chapter 185-1876, at $241,574.46.

1877 Lock No. 6 completed; all locks enlarged to 110 feet by 18 feet.

Forty-nine abutments built during the fiscal year.

1878 Chapter 202 – Reappropriates unexpended balance of chapter 185-1876.

Chapter 238 – Bridge over canal at Whitehall to be removed to a point farther north.

Chapter 373 – Appropriation for dredging canal basin at Whitehall

1879 Wooden guard-lock at Cohoes removed and a larger lock of stone substituted.
1880 Chapter 258 – Reappropriates unexpended balance of chapter 202-1878.

Scarcity of water, severe drought, impels division engineer to advise construction of reservoir above Glens Falls.

1882 Chapter 97 – Reappropriates unexpended balance of chapter 258-1880.
1884 Chapter 154 – Iron bridge to be built across canal at Watervliet.

Chapter 301 – Reappropriates unexpended balance of chapter 97-1882.

Chapter 360 – For an Iron bridge over canal at Whitehall.

June 9, – Break at Coveville, {see errata.} delaying navigation 15 days; cost of repairs $14,685.53.

1885 Many valuable and needed canal improvements made to canal and Glens Falls feeder during the year.
1886 Chapter 336 – Lift-bridge to be built over canal at Mechanicville (completed 1887.)

Chapter 441 – Appropriation and reappropriation for improvement of canal and Glens Falls feeder.

Chapter 584 – Iron bridge to be built over canal at Saratoga St., between Cohoes and Waterford. (Completed 1887.)

Cohoes dam found to be moving out of line; further displacement checked by three stone buttress walls, placed in front of dam.

1887 Chapter 113 – Appropriates $70,000 for increasing depth of canal.

Chapter 168 – Bridge to be built over canal at Ship St., Cohoes.

Lift-bridge built at Mechanicville.

1888 Chapter 126 – Additional appropriation for completion of bridge over canal at Ship St., Cohoes, pursuant to chapter 168-1887.

Chapter 320 – Lift-bridge to be built at Broad St., Waterford. (Built 1891.)

Chapter 416 – Appropriates $105,000 for increasing depth of canal.

1889 Chapter 552 – Additional appropriation for bridge over canal at Ship St., Cohoes, pursuant to chapters 168-1887 and 126-1888.

Chapter 568 – Appropriates $130,000 for general improvement of canal.

9,000 feet of canal widened between locks Nos. 7 and 8.

1890 Chapter 168 – Appropriates $110,000 for general canal improvements.

May 4, – About 55 feet new vertical wall and tow-path swept out near Mechanicville; navigation delayed 25 days.

Traffic largely increased; tonnage moved during season 1,520,757 tons, a gain over 1889 of more than 330,000 tons; greatest ever moved on this canal.

5.41 miles of canal widened.

1891 Chapter 271 – For constructing a wall at head of guard-lock on Glens Falls feeder; also for repairing feeder.

1.74 miles of canal deepened and widened; 16 miles thus treated since 1885; 40 miles requiring improvement.

1892 Chapter 382 – Reappropriates unexpended balance for improving canal.
1893 Chapter 110 – For a bridge over the canal at Whitehall.

Chapter 60 – The water of Trout or Ensign brook to be conveyed under canal, town of Halfmoon, Saratoga County.

Chapter 119, Section 5 – Appropriates $50,000 for general improvement of canal.

Chapter 294 – Appropriation for construction of approaches to bridge over canal at Waterford.

Chapter 569 – Appropriation for building bridge No. 15, Champlain canal.

Chapter 643 – Appropriates $90,000 for repairing Cohoes dam.

August 3, – Break on Glens Falls feeder near D. & H. Co.’s bridge; navigation delayed 11 days.

1894 Chapter 278 – For repairing and improving Glens Falls feeder.

Chapter 561 – Appropriation for repairing stone wall at Fort Edward.

Chapter 572 – Appropriation for improving the canal.

Chapter 594 – For an iron bridge over canal at Mechanicville. (Completed 1895.)

September 24, – Dam across Mohawk river, at Cohoes, extensively repaired.

1895 Chapter 79 – Bonds to be issued for improvement of canal to seven ft. depth.

Chapter 83 – For completing stone wall at Fort Edward.

Chapter 105 – For repairs to berme bank at Schuylerville.

Chapter 143 – For rebuilding bridge over Glens Falls feeder, Sandy Hill.

Chapter 284 – For repairs and improvements to Glens Falls feeder.

Chapter 286 – For extending and repairing walls, Glens Falls feeder.

Chapter 298 – For raising towing-path between Smith’s and Dunham’s basins.

April 30, – 1,200 lin. ft. vertical wall along towing-path side, Glens Falls feeder, completed, pursuant to chapter 278-1894.

November 5, – People ratify provisions of chapter 79-1895 by majority of 276,886 votes.

1896 Chapter 254 – For an iron bridge over canal at Northumberland.

Chapter 364 – For construction of a dock and culvert, Waterford.

Chapter 794 – Amends chapter 79-1895, regulating the making of contracts for work on canal.

Chapter 796 – For improving Glens Falls feeder at Maple St., Sandy Hill.

Chapter 708 – For a bridge over Glens Falls feeder at Glen St., Glens Falls {see errata.} (completed May 1, 1897.)

Work of deepening to 7 ft. commenced.

1897 Chapter 43 – Unexpended balance of chapter 79-1895 reappropriated for improvement of canal.

Chapter 569 – Appropriation for carrying on improvements under Chapter 79-1895.

Chapter 570 – For a bridge over canal at Waterford.

Chapter 575 – For a bridge over side-cut at Fourth St., Waterford. (completed May 1, 1898.)

Chapter 578 – For strengthening berme bank, Glens Falls feeder. (completed 1898.)

Chapter 778 – For construction of retaining wall at Ship St., Cohoes. (completed 1898.)

1898 Chapter 619 – Additional appropriation for bridge over canal at Waterford pursuant to chapter 570-1897.

Chapter 623 – For a steel bridge over Glens Falls feeder at Main St., Sandy Hill.

Chapter 629 – For a swing-bridge over canal at Waterford.

Improvement under chapter 79-1895 suspended; funds exhausted.

October 5,–Break at Wilbur’s basin, caused by heavy rains; tow-path submerged for seven miles; navigation delayed only 2 ½ days.

Locks Nos. 6 and 7 rebuilt.

1899 Chapter 219 – Reappropriates unexpended balance for swing-bridge over canal at Waterford, pursuant to chapters 570-1897 and 619-1898.

Chapter 220 – Reappropriates unexpended balance for improvement of canal, pursuant to chapter 569-1897.

Chapter 519 – For the construction of a canal and pneumatic lock connect the Erie and Champlain canals, in Cohoes. (Nothing done.)

Chapter 544 – Authorizes canal board to terminate contracts made for improvement of canal, under chapter 79-1895.

Chapter 613 – For a bridge over canal at Ontario St., Cohoes.

Chapter 665 – Appropriation for repairs and improvements to Glens Falls feeder.

1900 Chapter 417 – Reappropriates unexpended balance for steel bridge over Glens Falls feeder. Main St., Sandy Hill, pursuant to chapter 623-1898.

Chapter 443 – Additional appropriation for bridge over canal near Burton’s, sawmill, Waterford, pursuant to chapter 629-1898.

Chapter 419 – Appropriation for steel bridge over Glens Falls feeder, Sandy Hill, pursuant to chapter 623-1898.

1901 Chapter 108 – Reappropriates unexpended balance for improvement of canal, pursuant to chapters 569-1897 and 220-1899.

Chapter 423 – For a new steel bridge over Glens Falls feeder at Queensbury (Completed June, 1902.)

Chapter 645 – For improvement of bridge over canal at Park Ave., Mechanicville.

Chapter 682 – Additional appropriation and reappropriation for bridge over canal at Ontario St., Cohoes, pursuant to chapter 613-1899.

Chapter 687 – Reappropriates unexpended balance for improvement of bridge over canal at Division St., Waterford, pursuant to chapter 219-1899. (completed October, 1901.)

Chapter 694 – For a bridge over canal, connecting Burke Ave. and Francis St., Mechanicville.

Chapter 697 – For a new steel bridge over canal at Fulton St., Waterford (Completed April, 1902.)

1903 Chapter 147 – Barge canal to be built, including Champlain route.

Chapter 567 – Appropriation for a bridge over Glens Falls feeder.

Chapter 599 – Additional appropriation and reappropriation for bridge over canal, connecting Burke Ave. and Francis St., Mechanicville.

Chapter 600 – For vertical wall at Comstocks.

1904 April 24, – Work of improvement begun – first work on any portion of Barge canal.

Bridges Nos. 69, 77 and 94 replaced by new bridges during the fiscal year.

State dam and Cohoes dam badly damaged by spring floods.

No. 14 and six foot bridges built on Glens Falls feeder during the year.

Dam near lock No. 20 rebuilt.

1905 Chapter 143 – Reappropriation for improvement of canal, pursuant to chapter 147-1903.

Chapter 172 – For repairs and improvement of structures on canal.

Chapter 700 – Appropriation for cleaning out State ditches along canal.

Chapter 709 – Appropriation for repairs and improvements to structures on canal.

Chapter 740 – Amends chapter 147-1903, relating to locks and channel of canal.

Original scan and html prepared by students at the University of Rochester.
Additional corrections and html by Bill Carr


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